Thursday, November 26, 2015

In order to buy the paint for next week I have had to make a call on the design that will be going up around the edges of the various settings.
I have chosen this design for the Hinterland:

for the Island Garden I have chosen this design:

Mrs Rogerson in  the Art Department will buy pots of paint for us at Resine.  I am really sorry but I had to make a call so that you can start painting straight away on Monday otherwise we may not finish our gardens.
The Mosaic tiles and glue is ready for the Butterfly garden.

The New Zealand garden  ... I am not sure because you have not told me what you would like to do but you may want to paint one of these on the side of your garden setting:

Sunday, November 15, 2015

English Class 8LB
Our last task of the year is a Project Based Learning Activity
We are going to design a small garden based on our the novels that we have studied in class this year.  So, the group   who has worked on the novel " Into the Hinterland" will be designing a small outback garden with paintings of Aboriginal dot art around the edge of the box.  You will use the plant box in the Moran quad with the one tall Broom tree in it.
In my mind I imagine it to look something like this:


The group who has worked "Butterfly Garden" will create a small butterfly garden in the last box in the Moran Quad.  There is already a butterfly poster in the box.  This poster can stay in the little garden because it is a poster to identify the different butterflies in New Zealand.  You will create a small mosaic project of Monarch Butterflies.
  Now, I have already collected broken crockery pieces to use for the Mosaic, I have grout, I have netting, I have the tile cutter.  You must collect SWAN PLANTS and other plants that butterflies love such as.  from friends and neighbours for the planting on the day 
Butterflies also love water so I imagine it would look something like this.
I have a packet of wild flower seeds for us to sow in the bed as well.  So I image that you will download a template from the internet of a Monarch butterfly and that you swill then draw this template on cardboard and that you will then start placing the little tiles and pieces of crockery on the net to make the mosaic butterfly before the planting day.


The island garden is easy to create.  The biggest job will be to cut the palm up a little, to clean the bed.  You can decide if you want to take the plants out and fill it up with a bag of seashells.  I will leave it all to you.
The biggest thing will be to paint the frame around the edges to portray island life.  It is also a good idea to speak with Savete and ask her ideas about Tongan art and island art.  She may like to be involved in this.
This is what I think it should look like:


The New Zealand garden for the novel "The Ring".  I have two little sheep.  One black and one white that you can use.  We can use the wood that came from the old frame around the swimming pool to make a plant box and we can then fill it up with compost from the garden.  there is plenty of compost.  You must decide what you want in there.  I think it would look something like this:

So, now this is what you must do:

Plan what you will nee
Make a list of what you will need
Make a blog for your group or an individual blog.
Keep reflecting on your blog because it is the reflection on the blog that will be evidence of your successful completion of this task.